A quick comment on this quote by Vos.
"In the execution of this decree, too, there is nothing that can make God a cause of sin. On this point Scripture speaks as emphatically as possible. God tempts no one to evil (Jas 1:13). God is light and in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes (Eccl 7:29). The Spirit of God teaches His children to praise all that is good as the work of God but also to ascribe blame for all that is evil only to themselves. This testimony of the Spirit in the believer, founded on God’s word, teaches us how this matter appears in God’s light, and we must believe it though that same light does not illumine our understanding" (Geerhardus Vos, Reformed Dogmatics tran. Richard B. Gaffin (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014), 93-96.[SOURCE for this quote; underlining mine]
Once again to ACTIVELY CAUSE is not to TEMPT (cf. James 1:13). God's demonstration of His holy power and wrath against darkness does not imply that His holy power and wrath IS darkness. To ACTIVELY CAUSE darkness is not to be darkness; For Y (Yahweh) to cause X (darkness/sin/evil) in no way implies that Y is X.