A.A. Hodge: Design of the Atonement

A.A. Hodge, in the chapter subtitled The True Doctrine as to the Design of the Atonement Accurately Stated, writes much damnable blasphemy (some of which, I have underlined):

"The question, then, (1) does not relate to the SUFFICIENCY of the satisfaction rendered by Christ to secure the salvation of all men. The Reformed Churches have uniformly taught that no man has ever yet perished, or ever will perish, for want of an atonement. [What of Judas or Pharaoh?--CD] All Calvinists agree in maintaining earnestly that Christ's obedience and sufferings were of infinite intrinsic value in the eye of the law, and that there was no need for him to obey or to suffer an iota more nor a moment longer in order to secure, if God so willed, the salvation of every man, woman, and child that ever lived. ...

2. The question does not relate to the APPLICABILITY of the satisfaction rendered by Christ to the exact legal relations and to the necessities in order to the salvation of every lost sinner in the world. Christ did and suffered precisely what the law demanded of each man personally and of every man indiscriminately, and it may be at any time applied to the redemption of one man as well as another, as far as the satisfaction itself is concerned. [Again, what of Judas and Pharaoh, for instance? --CD] Putting these two things together, therefore, the sufficiency for all and the exact adaptation to each, it is plain as the sun in the heavens that the death of Christ did remove all legal obstacles out of the way of God's saving any man he pleases. In this sense, if you please, Christ did make the salvation of all men indifferently possible, a parte Dei. He can apply it to any whomsoever he will; but since his will never changes, there can be no distinction between his present will and his eternal design. [Apply this blasphemous nonsense to those whom the Father had NOT given to Christ (e.g., non-elect persons such as Judas and Pharaoh to name just two). --CD]

3. The question does not relate to the ACTUAL APPLICATION of the saving benefits of Christ's work to each and every man. All who stop short of maintaining universal salvation agree with us that all those who do not cordially accept and appropriate the salvation freely offered to them in the gospel must be lost. The doctrine of universal redemption cannot be shown, after all their parade of its superior liberality, to extend the real benefits of redemption to one single soul beyond those embraced by a definite Atonement. We believe that Christ died with the intention of saving all those whom he actually does save. They hold that the large majority of those whose salvation Christ designed to effect by his death finally perish. This certainly fails to convey any advantage to those that perish, while it materially detracts from the value of Christ's death and from the efficacy of his purpose to save" (A.A. Hodge, The Atonement, pp. 355-357; underlining mine--CD).