Martin Luther on John 1:29

Dr. Curt Daniel writes:

"Though there were several precursors of the Reformation (John Wycliffe, John Hus, Savonarola), the Reformation proper began with Martin Luther of Germany (1483-1546)...Martin Luther was one of the most prolific writers of all time, and among the top 5 Christian writers in output...He wrote no formal systematic theology per se, but his views are summed up in his Short and Larger Catechisms. His commentaries on Romans and Galatians were his expository masterpieces. But most germaine [sic] to our study is his theological masterpiece: The Bondage of the Will" (Curt Daniel, The History and Theology of Calvinism, p. 18).

Here are a couple of excerpts from the universal atonement heretic Martin Luther on John 1:29:

"You may say: 'Who knows whether Christ also bore my sin? I have no doubt that He bore the sin of St. Peter, St. Paul, and other saints; these were pious people. Oh, that I were like St. Peter or St. Paul!' Don’t you hear what St. John says in our text: 'This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world'? And you cannot deny that you are also part of this world, for you were born of man and woman. You are not a cow or a pig. It follows that your sins must be included, as well as the sins of St. Peter or St. Paul. And just as you are unable to expiate your sins, so they have been unable to expiate theirs. There are no exceptions here. Therefore do not yield to your own thoughts, but cling to the words which guarantee you and all believers forgiveness of sin through the Lamb. Don’t you hear? There is nothing missing from the Lamb. He bears all the sins of the world from its inception; this implies that He also bears yours, and offers you grace" (Martin Luther, “Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 1-4,” in Luther’s Works, John 1:29, 22:161-170).

In this heretical quote by Luther we understand how violently he wrests the phrase, "justification by grace alone through faith alone to the glory of Jesus Christ alone." Luther believed that the efforts of the sinner are what make the ultimate difference between salvation and damnation. This is the doctrine and spirit of antichrist that puts the efforts of the sinner in the place and stead of Christ. Also Luther DENIES that the Lamb of God actually DOES take away the sin of the world with his universal atonement swill. And speaking of swill, here's another bucket-full:

"If someone does not partake of and enjoy such grace and mercy, he has none to blame but himself and his refusal to believe and accept it. He says to himself: 'This does not pertain to you, but only to St. Peter and St. Paul. I must become a monk, invoke the saints, and go on pilgrimages.' Go to the devil if you refuse to believe these words! For if you are in the world and your sins form a part of the sins of the world, then the text applies to you. All that the words 'sin,' 'world,' and 'the sin of the world from its beginning until its end' denote – all this rests solely on the Lamb of God. And since you are an integral part of this world and remain in this world, the benefits mentioned in the text will, of course, also accrue to you" (Martin Luther, “Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 1-4,” in Luther’s Works, John 1:29, 22:161-170).

Luther reasons from false premises. Luther does not know what "takes away the sin of the world" means.